Candi Bahal, Biaro Bahal, or Temple Portibi is flow Vajrayana Buddhist
temple complex located in the village Bahal, District Alternating Padang,
Portibi, South Tapanuli, North Sumatra, which is about a 3 hour drive from
Padangsidempuan or is around 400 km from Medan. The temple is made of red
bricks and supposedly originated around the 11th century and was associated
with the Kingdom Pannai, one of the ports on the coast of the Straits of
Malacca were conquered and became part of Srivijaya mandala.
The temple is named after the village where the building stands. Moreover Portibi name in Batak language means 'world' or 'earth' uptake term derived from the Sanskrit: Earth (Earth goddess).
The architecture of this temple is quite similar to the existing temple Jabung Probolinggo, East Java.
The temple complex
This temple is a temple complex (the local term called Biaro) the largest in the province of North Sumatra, because their area surrounding the temple complex Bahal I, Bahal Bahal II and III. The entire temple complex of three buildings made of red brick, except statues made of hard stone. Each temple complex is surrounded by a tall fence and about 1 m thick are also made of red brick arrangement. On the eastern side of the bay there is a gate and flanked on either side by a wall of about 60 cm tall. In each of the main building there is a temple complex located in the middle of the page with a right-facing entrance gate. Below is a description of this temple complex.
Bahal I
Candi Bahal 1 was built in an area of about 3000 m² courtyard surrounded by a fence of red stone structure as high as 60 cm. Fences are quite thick, which is about 1 m. The main building Bahal I temple located in the middle of the courtyard, facing the gate. In between the main building and the gate are the foundation stage shaped shelf or square base measuring approximately 7 x 7 m. The main building Bahal I temple is the largest compared to the main temple building Bahal II and II. The main building consists of base composition or mat, legs, body and roof of the temple. Marquetry temple housed a square base measuring approximately 7 square meters with a height of about 180 cm. Above the temple foot tall coaster stands 75 cm, with a square ground-plan area of 6 square meters. Difference foot wide saucer and temples form around the foot of the temple hall.
Bahal I temple facing east, in the middle of the east side, right in front of the stairs up to the foot of the surface of the temple, the temple placemat bay about 4 meters long with a width of about 2 m. At the end of the courtyard there is a ladder extending these are flanked by a pair of makara head at the base. Along the north and south wall of the court toward the saucer-shaped sculptures are in different positions. Although many parts of the sculptures that have been damaged, are still visible form of people who looked like he was dancing. Along the eastern side or front of a giant saucer-shaped sculptures are being seated.
The temple in the form of a four-square building with a square base area of
5 square meters. Difference vast body of the temple with the temple formed
surfaces foot wide corridor of about 1 m. To reach the entrance to the room
there are stairs to the temple at about 60 cm from the surface of the foot of
the temple. In the temple there is an empty room measuring about 3 square
meters surrounded by a wall about 1 meter thick. The width of the entrance
threshold of approximately 120 x 250 cm. There are no sculptures that adorn the
door frame. Bahal I temple roof shaped dagoba, the cylindrical stupa, with a
height of approximately 2.5 meters. Sculptured garlands wrapped around the edge
of the roof.
Bahal II
Candi Bahal II is located about 100 meters from the road and about 300 meters from the temple Bahal I. Candi Bahal II yard coextensive with Bahal I temple courtyard surrounded by a fence and a brick, but the size of the main building is smaller than the main temple building Bahal I. In the middle of the east side, courtyard walls widened, forming overhanging the floor about 4 m to the outside courtyard of the temple. About 70 cm high wall flanking the left and right side of the floor to the border of the eastern side of the stairs there.
The main building consists of Candi Bahal II arrangement placemat, legs, body and roof of the temple. Marquetry temple housed a square base measuring about 6 feet square and about 1 meter tall. In front of the base of the staircase of the main building there is a makara head with the mouth open. Above the temple foot tall coaster stands 75 cm, with a square ground-plan area of 5 square meters. Difference foot wide saucer and temples form around the foot of the temple hall.
In the body Candi Bahal II also contained a blank space measuring about 3 feet square, surrounded by a wall about 1 meter thick. The entrance width of approximately 120 x 250 cm faces east without any sculptural decoration on the frame. Wall mats, legs and body are also plain unadorned temple carvings. Bahal II temple roof with a pyramid-shaped peak of four square.
Bahal III
Bahal II temple is about 100 meters from the road, but to reach the site III Bahal temple visitors must pass through the path, paddy fields and residential population. There are many similarities between the temple and the second temple III Bahal other Bahal. Court of the same relative extent temple is also surrounded by a brick fence thickness and the same height. Gate to enter the yard is also located on the east side. Similarly, the main temple building Bahal III located in the center of the courtyard. Bahal Temple Gate III is more similar to Bahal I temple gate, because the stairs up to the gate located at the north and south. The stairs at the gate of the temple located in the eastern Bahal II.
The size and shape of the main building Bahal Temple III is very similar to the main temple building Bahal II. The entrance to the temple room is also located on the east. There is no carving on the door frame, but all the coasters decorated walls carved with motifs like flowers. Bahal II temple roof with a pyramid-shaped peak of four square. Similar to the temple roof Bahal II.
The researchers revealed that the temple at Bahal village are three of the 26 temple ruins scattered in an area of 1,500 km ² Padanglawas enshrinement site, which means the temples located in the broad field that includes, among others:
Candi Pulo
Candi Barumun
Candi Singkilon
Candi Sipamutung
Candi Aloban
Candi Rondaman Dolok
Candi Bara
Candi Magaledang
Candi Sitopayan
Nagasaribu temple.
Chances are, fields and villages around these temples was a vast desert. Of the many temples Padanglawas only Bahal temple that has been completely refurbished, Temple and Temple Pulo Sipamutung are in the process of renovation, while others are still in the form of temple ruins.
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